Sunday, February 21, 2016

An Open Letter To The Educated Class

Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos 
                                                                                                                                   - Joker, Dark Knight
Dear Reader,

The above words truly depict the current state of affairs. Whether you would like to believe it or not, YOU are becoming an agent of chaos, and just as the Joker, you’re thinking that it’s fair. 

You’re being manipulated in ways you cannot comprehend and you are falling in a downward spiral, becoming a victim and an accused, all at the same time.

Who am I? I am an ordinary citizen, just like you. I go to office 5 days a week, watch movies, satiate my appetite, read some novels, follow some news channels, and as any other educated person, I have an opinion about most of the things around. What separates me from others, (it’s fractional but I will tell you the advantage that it gives) is my little bit understanding of the human nature.

In my graduation days, I was a small time student leader. I became so by reading the fellow students, identifying the ones who were easily gullible or too meek to stand for themselves. I made sure that they are in my camp and remain loyal. The next comes rogue ones; for them I used power of the crowd (people of the first set) to suppress their voice or orchestrate events to nullify their position. The last and biggest chunks were the neutral ones. All I had to do was to plant a shadow of doubt and let them argue among themselves. Remember, I was not there to incite those arguments; I always played behind the closed curtains, identifying people who would open up their minds and allowing me to take advantage.

This helped me in living a king size life throughout the four years of my B.Tech. I was never caught for any of the fights, never expelled from the hostel, never fined! While a lot others were!

One more thing, we were 3-4 power groups. While we differed in ideology, we never fought among ourselves, as our prestige was at stake, and everyone was getting his share of  the pie. Crux of the matter is, that while we ruled, there were pawns that would fight for us. This may sound insulting to my juniors and some friends, but this is the blatant truth.

The above incident was from a small college, and I was a small time leader. Now enlarge this scope to a million times, where the geography is as large as a country is and the leaders have a plethora of think tanks whose only motive is to polarize their followers. That is because, gone are the days when people would wait for the parties to declare their election manifesto. The current sets of voters are intelligent and are blessed with long term memories. Election is not just a matter of a couple of months in every five years. It’s an ongoing activity and various events are the part and parcel to keep feeding your voters, your agenda.

Sadly enough, there is a complete industry which is a parasite that harvests on our emotions; the media industry - Social media, News Media and Print Media.

The question is then, what is the best course of action? The answer is pretty simple. Their fuel is our dialogues and discussion. Stop giving them that and their agenda becomes insignificant. Do your job/business, enjoy with friends and family and ignore these discussions and debates.
Certainly, the people who want us divided would not stop there, but they would need to come out with a new strategy!

If we keep on arguing like cats and dogs, this great nation would be torn into pieces, which I believe, none of us wants.

So, Either be yourselves or be Batman. Be Batman!



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  4. you are so right on about this! Especially the way they harvest our emotions. Thanks for the end part where you say how to deal with it, by simply living your life the best you can :) Thanks friend!
